Patient 1812

Dr. Steven Gabel | PRP with Acell | 61-Yr-Old Female | 11 Months Post Op | Portland, Oregon

This 61-yr-old-woman had become self-conscious about her appearance as she noticed that her hair had become thinning in her frontal area of her scalp. She consulted with Dr. Gabel to see what options she had available to her; though she did not want to have a hair restoration procedure such as a Follicular Unit Excision or strip surgery. Dr. Gabel recommended the PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) with Acell Procedure for several reasons. The PRP procedure is much less invasive as it is not a surgical procedure, and can be done in the office, and takes much less time than either a strip-harvest method procedure or a follicular unit excision. In addition, because it is not a full surgery, it is also less expensive than a surgical hair transplant.


For hair restoration, ACELL and PRP are used non-surgically to treat thinner, miniaturized hair and utilizes a technique known as mesotherapy.  In this procedure, multiple superficial injections are placed into the thinning areas of the scalp and can cause the miniaturized hairs to grow and increase in size and thickness.

Post Procedure

The patient came back into the office at 11 months after her PRP Procedure. Her hair has thickened in the top area and appears much fuller than before her procedure. She is very satisfied with her final results and has become more confident with her appearance.

There is no guarantee on hair restoration results. Individual results may vary.
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