“No Shave” Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) Technique

Posted on July 17, 2019

Dr. Gabel and the Gabel Center are pleased to announce that he is regularly performing the “no-shave” FUE harvest technique for hair restoration surgery. Using the “no-shave” follicular unit excision (FUE) hair transplant procedure, Dr. Gabel offers patients the ability to have a full FUE hair transplant while retaining their hair at a normal length in both the donor and recipient areas. This technique allows patients to return to their daily activities with minimal evidence that a hair transplant surgery was performed.

It is important to know that at the Gabel Center, it is Dr. Gabel who performs the procedure and does 100% of all the follicular unit extraction. He does not farm out or hire other non-experienced people to come into the office and do the work on individual hair follicles for him.


What is “No-Shave FUE”?

“No-shave” follicular unit excision (FUE) is a type of hair transplant technique that gives a patient the benefit of being able to have a hair transplant with minimal evidence that a hair transplant was done. The other name that has been used to define this technique is the “Celebrity FUE Hair Transplant.” During the no-shave FUE procedure, Dr. Gabel carefully selects and trims only the specific donor follicular units that he will transplant, leaving all other hairs at their normal length. Since each untrimmed transplanted hair in the donor area is left at a normal length, the donor FUE sites will be hidden within the patient’s natural hair. Additionally, in the recipient area, the non-shaved natural hairs will help hide the follicular units that were transplanted with donor hair. As the newly transplanted grafts grow, they simply blend in with the existing hairs, thickening the area and giving more density to the scalp. “No-shave” FUE is a hair transplantation procedure for both men and women who want to camouflage the hair restoration procedure and return to their normal activities as soon as possible without others being aware that a procedure was performed.

With the “no-shave” follicular unit transplantation, Dr. Gabel and his staff carefully select each follicular unit to be extracted. Since this is a much more time-consuming procedure, he is able to remove approximately 1000 +/- follicular unit grafts per session. In some cases, in order to obtain the necessary amount of hair for the hair transplant procedure, he will perform these types of cases over the course of 2 or even 3 days to accommodate the patient’s goals and expectations.

Standard FUE Procedure

When a standard FUE procedure takes place, the physician shaves the donor and sometimes the recipient’s hair down ⅛ inch in length. This is done so that Dr. Gabel is able to easily see each specific follicular unit that will be transplanted and can easily select the follicular unit grafts for transplant and placement. This allows Dr. Gabel to extract and implant a significant amount of hair in excess of 2000 grafts in one session.

The Gabel Center

As a leader in hair restoration, Dr. Gabel is the only surgeon in the entire Pacific Northwest endorsed by the prestigious International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons and is a member of the exclusive Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians. No other physician in the state of Oregon, Washington, or Idaho has achieved this level of recognition. He was also selected as the recipient of the distinguished 2019 Castle Connolly Award as a top hair restoration physician in the country. If you would like to find out if you are a candidate for “no-shave” FUE or any type of hair restoration surgery, please call our office at 503-693-1118 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Gabel.

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