Surgical Restoration for Straight or Curly Hair in Portland, Oregon

Posted on November 9, 2018

Surgical Restoration for Straight Hair

Certain hair characteristics will shape the surgical treatment options best suited for a particular patient. People with straight hair are generally considered better candidates for FUE graft harvesting than curly-haired patients. Harvesting the individual follicles from patients with straight hair is much less labor intensive when compared to patients who have curly hair due to the nature in which each curly hair follicle grows in the scalp.

The minimally invasive nature of FUE tends to make it a more appealing option to many patients who desire to cut their hair short or buzzed, which is an option less likely for patients who have undergone an FUT procedure due to the small linear scar the surgery creates that is hidden under the patient’s hair.

Surgical Restoration for Curly Hair

Curly-haired people tend to benefit more from a FUT surgical procedure to extract their donor grafts. FUT eliminates some of the extraction challenges surgeons may face when combatting the hair characteristics of curly hair while trying to harvest grafts with an FUE punch.

FUT also means that the grafts stay outside of the body and the nourishing blood supply keeps them alive for several fewer hours than grafts extracted via FUE. This can help ensure a high success rate when it comes to graft survival. And depending upon the degree of hair loss a patient wishes to address it can make FUT a better-suited method for handling large surgical sessions.

Customizing Treatment for Each Specific Patient’s Case

Ultimately, all surgical choices are determined on a case-by-case basis after a physician and patient have thoroughly discussed the surgical options available for each specific hair loss case. FUT and FUE are both viable surgical methods for any hair characteristic, depending upon the medical factors present for each patient.

Among the determining factors at play will be a patient’s hair thickness, scalp laxity, and the amount of available donor hair each person has available to them for surgical use. Without a thorough in-person examination an appropriate medical plan of action can not be fully determined. It’s crucial for a customized treatment plan to be put into action only after a trained surgical hair practitioner has evaluated a patient in full.

Contact The Gabel Center in Portland, Oregon

Our team at the Gabel Center looks forward to your visit and discussing these matters with you in greater detail. To learn more about hair loss, the latest medications, and the latest techniques in hair restoration and hair transplant surgery, contact us at our Tigard, Oregon office located only 20 minutes from downtown Portland.

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